- World Avenues ‘On-line Reservation System’ (WAVES).
With more than 200'000 hotels World Avenues online hotel reservation system will help you to find the right hotel at the right price. Depending on your client's needs, wants, and budget, our online hotel reservation system will be able to guarantee the best available price and the hotel.FAQs
- Our system in brief
This straightforward system is easy to access and use and allows travel agents & tour operators a secure use of it.
It gives the opportunity to make easy and fast reservations for holidays. Clicking on a button to start and following the process step by step, will make the bookings easier for the travel agent in charge of the booking.
A dashboard allows users to see, at a glance, when bookings were created and the ones recently updated. This then helps the tour operator to see in real time what their status is.
An accounting section allows the creation of invoices at the click of a button and make them available at any time by the agent. Our online booking system does not require endless training for agents to be able to use it, thus saving time and money.
- How to access World Avenues WAVES On-line Booking system.
If you still don't have access to our online booking system, please fill in our Tourism Agreement and send it duly signed to . As soon as we get these forms from the authorized person in your office, we will process it giving you complete access to our system.